
20% of each sale's profits will be donated to the charity of your choice. Simply choose your preferred charity from the drop-down menu when you check out. If no charity is chosen, proceeds will automatically be donated to the ACLU.

And, if you know of a great charity that's not on the list, simply let us know about it in the Contact Us page. We'll check it out and - if it matches our brand - maybe add it to the list.


Advancement Project

The Advancement Project works to make the US more inclusive, such as equal voting rights and access to education. They also strive to promote more diversity and inclusion at a national level through large-scale campaigns, policy changes, and advocacy work. Their vision is to create a future where people of color are free – where they can thrive, be safe and exercise power.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Founded in 1920, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) works to ensure that all people—no matter who they are or who they love—are given the rights and liberties they are guaranteed under the law. They do this by working to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in the USA by the Constitution and its amendments.

The Attic Youth Center

Based in Philadelphia, The Attic Youth Center’s mission is to create opportunities for LGBTQ youth to develop into healthy, independent, civic-minded adults within a safe and supportive community and to promote the acceptance of LGBTQ youth in society. They offer a wide range of programs and services designed to provide youth with the support and skills needed to transition into independent, thriving adults.

Center for Black Equity

The Center for Black Equity works to improve the lives of black LGBTQ people on a global scale by focusing on economic, health and social equity. They believe in dignity and respect for all human beings regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, religion and/or national origin, and that all human beings have a right to live without fear of racism, homophobia, sexism, ageism, bigotry and/or prejudice.

Equal Justice Initiative

The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) promotes racial inclusion and equality through advocacy and programming. They work with communities that have been marginalized by poverty and discouraged by unequal treatment. They also provide legal assistance to those who have experienced racial discrimination, and deliver policy prescriptions for legislative change.

Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)

GLAAD strives to ensure fair, accurate, and inclusive representation for the LGBTQ community in the media and entertainment industries. They do this by increasing media accountability and community engagement that ensures authentic LGBTQ stories are seen, heard, and actualized.

Human Rights Campaign

The Human Rights Campaign focuses on protecting and expanding rights for LGBTQ individuals in order to achieve fundamental fairness and equality for all. According to their Mission Statement, HRC "envisions a world where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people plus community members who use different language to describe identity are ensured equality and embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community."

It Gets Better Project

The It Gets Better Project was founded in 2010 in response to the suicides of LGBTQ teenagers who had been bullied because they were gay, or were suspected of being gay. Their goal is to prevent suicide by retelling the stories of LGBTQ members who may have had similar issues coming out, to convey the message that things truly can be better.

Marsha P. Johnson Institute (MPJI)

The Marsha P. Johnson Institute (MPJI) protects and defends the human rights of black transgender people by organizing, advocating, creating an intentional community to heal, developing transformative leadership, and promoting the collective power of black trans people. They were created to elevate, support, and nourish the voices of black trans people.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Founded in 1908, the NAACP promotes social, economic, educational, and political inclusion through advocacy campaigns and grassroots movements. Their mission is "to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination."

National Immigration Law Center

The National Immigration Law Center provides low-income immigrants with legal representation. Along with promoting and defending immigrant rights, they also advocate for policy changes that are more inclusive of immigrants, and raise awareness on the diverse immigrant communities present in the US. They promote diversity by recognizing various immigrant communities, and challenge harmful legislation that undermines immigrants’ equality, or segregates them from society.

National Urban League

The National Urban League (NUL) was founded in 1910 to empower African Americans through social and economic capacity-building programs. Serving 300 communities in 37 states and the District of Columbia, they spearhead the development of social programs and authoritative public policy research, and advocate for policies and services that close the equality gap.

Out & Equal

Out & Equal is a nonprofit dedicated to ensuring that all workplaces—across all industries—have a culture of belonging, so employees can feel safe, appreciated, and as worthy as they are while in their place of business. They believe equality is about creating spaces that celebrate and foster growth for every kind of employee, where leadership is made up of different people with diverse perspectives.

Outright International

Outright International works with partners around the globe to strengthen the capacity of the LGBTIQ movement. They are dedicated to working with partners around the globe to strengthen the capacity of the LGBTIQ human rights movement, document and amplify human rights violations against LGBTIQ people, and advocate for inclusion and equality.


SAGE provides advocacy, supportive services, and consumer resources to older LGBTQ adults and their caregivers. The organization’s emphasis is on policy advocacy and promoting legislation that promotes the ability of LGBTQ adults to age with dignity and respect.

Sylvia Rivera Law Project

Based in New York, The Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine their gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination, or violence. They believe that gender self-determination is inextricably intertwined with racial, social and economic justice and therefore serve low-income or people of color who are transgender, intersex and/or gender non-conforming.

Trans Lifeline

Run by and for trans people, Trans Lifeline is a non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis. Everything they do is in support of broader movements for collective liberation of the trans community.